
Vinegar & Honey Drink

Many drinks that we consume on a daily basis in America taste good, and we desire them often but have a detrimental effect on our health.  Here is a drink that actually benefits the body and provides balance and healing.  You can make it one glass at a time, but we have found it more effective to make a quart and keep it in the refrigerator.

Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey Drink
1/4 cup Braggs Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 cup Raw Honey
30 ounces of filtered water

Pour the Raw Apple Cider Vinegar into the jar along with the Raw Honey.  Shake until blended well.  Add filtered water and refrigerate.  If you are used to drinking sweeter drinks, add a little more honey until you develop a taste for the original recipe. (We actually double our recipe in one jar and just fill our drinking glass with 1/2 Vinegar Drink and 1/2 additional water.  That way we do not have to mix it as often.)

This recipe is similar to the one on the website except I multiply it by 4 to make it last longer!

Because of the amount of white flour, white sugar, and processed foods that many people eat, their bodies do not have the live active nutrition you get from real living foods.  Our bodies thrive on living nutrition which is not found in the S.A.D (Standard American Diet) consisting mostly of dead foods.

Thus our bodies become very acidic.  Disease thrives in an acidic environment.  What this drink does is helps to turn your body more alkaline.  Disease cannot however thrive in this environment.  Raw Apple Cider Vinegar has living enzymes and nutrients that the body is craving.

Now for many people who eat and drink based on what they initially like the taste of, this drink might not suit them at first.  When we are changing to a healthier way of living there will be many times that we have to eat and drink things that are not at first what we would normally like until we come to the point where we develop a taste for new healthier options.

I look back and think about times I refused to eat foods that were "different" and did not taste like the feel good foods I had been used to eating.  I was not doing my health any good with that attitude!  It was not until I started being open to understanding what was actually in the food before I made a decision whether I was going to eat it or not that my health began improving.

On a side note, my grandmother drank this drink every day and lived to be 97!  I am not saying that this will do the trick for everyone (other lifestyle choices are very important as well), but I do think it is a testimony for keeping your body alkaline on a daily basis for the long haul.

1 comment:

Between You and Me said...

I'm so excited to have this recipe!!!!