
It's School Time! What's For Lunch, Mom & Dad?

When my oldest daughter started Kindergarten, I carefully packed her a healthy lunch each day.  I was so thrilled to be able to do this for her.  It only took a few days of her observing what most of the other kids were eating for her to come home and express her disdain at having to bring her lunch from home.  She described wanting to be able to go through the line in the cafeteria, get a tray, and eat what they other kids were eating.  "How could she possibly want this after all the effort I was making?  What did I do wrong?"  I thought.  It is natural for kids to see what their friends are doing and want the same.  And it starts way before Kindergarten.
Our job as parents is to educate our children as to the "why" behind the importance of making healthy food choices.  After all, isn't "why"one of the first questions our kids begin to ask us anyway?  So what is the why behind good nutrition?
Our bodies were designed to grow right and prevent disease.  They cannot however just do that all on their own.  We have to partner with our bodies and give them the fuel that they need to do this.  Our fuel is the right kind of food and plenty of water.  When we choose to allow our kids to eat food for lunch that is full of additives, preservatives, sugar, dye, and for the most part devoid of whole food nutrition, we are not giving their bodies and brains what they need to grow right and prevent disease.  Without protein, "good for you" carbohydrates and vitamins/minerals that come from fruits and vegetables, fiber, and a whole host of other nutrients that whole foods provide, their brains will not be able to function at their greatest achievement level and their bodies will not have the sustainable energy they so desperately need to run, jump, play, and have more consistent mood patterns.
Yes, it is many times easier to say, "Fine, buy your lunch. Have what 'everyone else is having'."Or, "Sure, take a pre-prepared lunch meal we bought at the store."  But this would be cutting your child's educational potential and good health short!  You would never say,"Sure, quit doing your homework, or just do it a couple of days a week."  The same should be true with their food intake at school.  We should never allow them to settle for second best when great fuel for their bodies and brains is just a brown paper bag away!
So how do you begin?  Honesty and Education!!! Sit down with your kids and explain to them that you understand their desire to do what they other kids are doing. And you understand that you have helped them develop a taste for foods that are not going to take care of their body, but you want to help them now develop a taste for foods that will give their body life and health.  Tell them that their cells need certain nutrients in order to help them think well and prevent them from getting sick.  Think of examples that relate to their world and what they are interested in.  For example, if they play soccer, ask them what would happen to the game if the coach showed up for practice without the ball?  The same is true for their bodies.  If they show up for school without good nutrition, they will not be able to perform to maximum capacity! Ask for them to help you in providing them with the best food to feed their growing body - making a list of healthy lunch options, shopping for the food items, helping you prepare the lunch, having a positive attitude, etc. 
Getting kids (and adults too!) to eat healthy is a process.  Just DON'T GIVE UP!  Stay consistent. Keep educating your children as to the why behind what is driving you to help them become and stay healthy!  Before you know it, they will be the ones reminding you to make those healthy choices.