
February - The Month to Think About Your Heart.....

Your heart is considered the Wellspring of Life for many reasons. Physically it is the “main engine”. It nourishes our tissues with blood and sets our rhythm with a pulse. Spiritually it is to be guarded because of the life giving nature of it (Prov. 4:23).
On the American Heart Association website there is a section entitled “Heart Attack, Stroke and Cardiac Arrest Warning Signs.” Yes, it might be helpful for us to be aware of these things but wouldn’t you rather do what you can today to DETER this from happening? YOU CAN! The question is will you make the changes necessary for this to occur?
A few simple things can help you get started:

1) Start eating more raw vegetables each day. An easy way is to eat a salad full of raw vegetables each day. Add nuts or seeds. Sprinkle your favorite seasoning instead of adding lots of dressing. Why raw? Anytime you cook, can, process, or freeze vegetables, they lose much of their nutritional value. The enzymes that are needed for digestion are killed! Your body is begging for these nutrients in order to function properly.
2) Don’t think about a no fat or low fat diet…Think about a right fat lifestyle! Your body needs fat to absorb vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. But all fats are not created equal. Some are much better for you than others. What are the right kinds of fats? It is best to reduce saturated fats (primarily from animal foods) and increase monounsaturated fats (olives, avocadoes, almonds, peanuts) and polyunsaturated fats (soybean, safflower, sunflower, corn, and cottonseed). It is also important to increase Omega-3 fatty acids (fish such as tuna & salmon, flax, soybeans) and decrease the consumption of Omega-6 fatty acids (land animals and polyunsaturated oils in processed foods.) It is best to eliminate all hydrogenated oils knows as transfats from your daily routine!
3) Drink more water. All body functions depend on water and the lack if it plays a major role in premature disease and aging. The heart is a muscle. Muscles consist mostly of water! Water is essential for our hearts if they are to function long-term to the fullest capacity. How many glasses of water do you drink a day? (coffee, tea, soda, and juice don’t count J!) Begin today adding an additional glass of water until you are drinking half of your body weight in water each day.
4) Exercise. Exercise is a key to proper metabolism. We are able to burn fat and calories, increase our circulation, and it helps us have more energy, stamina and mental clarity! Exercise boosts the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle by expanding the existing arteries and creating tiny new blood vessels. It may also prevent blood clots or promote their breakdown. Exercise helps to regulate blood pressure. What kind of exercise is best?……….Whatever you will commit to do. The best thing is to just get moving…………

Don’t forget: You may think that you are far from the onset of
heart disease but remember:
Diseases usually start to develop in your body MANY years before the onset!
That is why it is vitally important to change your habits today.
They will determine your future…………