
Kids & Sleep

Some kids hate to go to bed - maybe they think they will miss something.

Some parents hate to deal with the fuss that can occur when trying to get their kids in bed, so they don't address the problems.

How do we as parents face this issue?  Head on with the proper knowledge!!

FIRST we must know: What is SLEEP designed to do in our bodies?

1. Repair the immune system (help them as their body fights viruses and bacteria they have encountered during the day)
2. Prepare the brain for the next days activity
3. Increase their capacity to be mentally ready for their tasks (ie - reduce their whiny fussy meltdowns)

Most parents, when they stop and think, realize quickly that when their kids get enough rest on a consistent basis they are healthier and HAPPIER.  The problem really comes down to us as parents being willing to create consistent routines and discipline OURSELVES to make sure that the right bedtime happens.  Sure there will be times when our kids will not get as much sleep one night as others, but consistency is the key.

God has placed us in charge of taking care of our children, and their health certainly is a huge part of that task.  I am doing myself and my kids a HUGE favor when I help them get their sleep consistently.  They are mentally and emotionally more sound the next day.  Their energy level is more consistent.  Their mind is more ready to take on the days tasks.

The earlier that we teach our kids in a positive manner the REASONS for sleep and put in their minds and hearts that it is a GOOD THING and not something to avoid and delay, they will come to appreciate what it provides.  And EVERYONE around them will appreciate what it will produce in them.

SECOND we must create a bedtime routine that is engaging where kids may pick from our list of evening choices.  This will give them some control within our guidelines!
*Tell your kids how your body fights germs they encountered that day as they sleep
*Create fun bedtime routines that make them look forward to settling down
*Praise them for the things they are doing right related to bedtime when they complete it in a timely manner: putting on their pajamas, brushing their teeth, getting their things ready for school the next day, etc.

THIRD we as parents must follow up and be consistent!  I will guarantee you that it will be a huge blessing to your family.  Do an excellent job of teaching your child the skills they need to get to be on time. Follow up to make sure they accomplish this goal with your supervision.  Praise them for the good choices they are making and remind them what it is doing in their bodies.

Making Homemade Yogurt

In an effort to get a healthier cleaner more probiotic filled product, we make our own yogurt.  It is a great way to get the kids involved in understanding they can make their own food instead of having to always depend on the final product coming from the grocery store.

Homemade Yogurt Recipe
Organic Milk
Probiotic Live Culture

The recipe does not contain specific amounts because you choose the amount of milk depending on the size of your yogurt container(s) and what the directions on the probiotic culture you choose tell you to use. 

I have a YoLife Yogurt Maker.  There are other methods to make yogurt.  I just chose the method that worked the best for my busy life with lots of kids.  With the electric yogurt maker, you can prepare the milk, fill your containers, and put them in the maker for 8-15 hours without having to worry about making sure the temperature stays consistent.

Gather your supplies: Organic milk, probiotic culture, pot to heat milk on the stove, food thermometer, yogurt maker, spoon, and jars. In a pot, heat milk on low heat while stirring. Turn off heat before milk reaches boiling point (at about 176˚F-185˚F).  Watch the thermometer as the temperature decreases. Allow the milk to cool until it is lukewarm (105˚F).  This process kills any bad bacteria that might be present.

Remove a small amount (about 1/2 cup) of milk from the pot.  Add the amount of probiotic culture that is on the directions of the culture package and stir well.  Then add the 1/2 cup of milk back to the rest of the milk and stir well.  The milk will now be activated.

Make sure your jars are sterile/clean, and place them in the yogurt maker.  The YoLife Yogurt Maker has two sizes of lids that cover the maker.  The maker comes with 7 small jars and a short lid.  It comes with a taller lid as well, so you can use your own jars of any size if you want to make more.  I often use quart jars with the taller lid. 

Pour the milk evenly into each of the jars in the yogurt maker.  Making yogurt is an easy process.  It does not take as much time as I would have thought!  It saves money and provides a more nutritional product than yogurt you buy commercially. My kids usually take part or do the whole process by themselves.

Place the lid on the yogurt maker and plug it in.  There is no temperature adjustment gage.  It will heat the milk to the correct temperature and keep it at that temperature until you unplug it.  

Leave it in the maker for 8-12 hours if you have used smaller jars and 12-15 hours if you used larger jars. 

*If you choose to add fruit to your cultured milk in the jars, be sure you have cooked the fruit thoroughly to a boiling point before adding it to the milk in your jars.  This is to make sure there is no bad bacteria developing as the beneficial probiotics are culturing.