
What are you drinking each day?

Read this article: Still hungry? It could be that fructose in your drink.  It is a great inspiration to change what you choose to drink in 2013.  Are sweet drinks okay to be consumed occasionally, sure!  But too often they are a part of our daily and weekly routine.  They are causing drastic effects on our health that we cannot see until later down the road when our bodies have begun developing degenerative disease.

So what are some good drink choices?  
*Water is top on the list - consume 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water per day (150 lbs = 75 ounces of water)
*Herbal tea with a small amount of raw honey or stevia to add a little sweetener 
*Pero or caffix to replace acidic coffee 
* Kombucha

The liquid that you put in your body on a daily basis will either help you fight disease or promote it!