
Not Just Any Mexican Restaurant!

Today I had the pleasure of going with my dear friend Katie to an amazing restaurant in Memphis called Los Torgugas.  It was simply amazing - not because of a grand dining room or fancy napkins or special plates.  It was amazing because the food was comprised of simple fresh ingredients which were perfectly blended to create an explosion to my tastebuds!  The owner is absolutely overjoyed at telling his valued customers that he goes to the market each morning to hand pick the ingredients they will be using for the day.  No food distributor truck pulls up behind the store to deliver boxed and bagged ingredients that have inevitably absorbed some of the odor of their container as they lose their nutritional value.  Only fresh ingredients are good enough for Los Tortugas!  

So what are you serving on your table?  I was truly inspired today, not only by the taste and quality of the food but the value that went into my body.  I will be even more conscious about what I serve on my table and make sure I include more fresh and homemade items.  Those whole food ingredients are what bring life and health to our cells.  In America we tend to equate value with low cost and high quantity.  That kind of value comes with a high price to our health - maybe not today but over the long haul!

Oh and we also enjoyed fresh lime and mango slushes - no chemical laden syrup and dye - just real fruit, natural sweetener and ice!  What a real treat!  And thank you Katie for introducing me to Los Tortugas!  Just another reason I truly appreciate you.


Green Smoothie

Smoothies are a great way to include lots of power packed nutrition in a fun drink!  We make smoothies several times a week and enjoy them for breakfast or snack.  This smoothie really surprised me!  My friend Margaret told me she put kale in smoothies for her girls in the summer.  She said they could not taste the kale.  I thought I would try it with an existing recipe I use. 

Banana Nut Butter Smoothie
1 cup almond milk
1-2 frozen bananas
2 T. Nut Butter (almond, peanut, sunflower, etc)
1/8 cup Juice Plus Vanilla Complete
2 T flax seed meal
1 stalk of kale

Blend well. Add ice if you would like it thicker. (This recipe is easily doubled!)

We were all surprised that we could not taste the kale.  It turned it a beautiful green color!  Since then we have added kale to lots of smoothies we make.